
3D Printing Solutions for Educators, Librarians, Engineers and Creators

Labs and Makerspaces
Capacity & Features
Construct the optimum combination of 3D printing capacity with the range of capabilities and features needed for every application. Schools, Libraries, Makerspaces and Prototyping labs. We can assess your needs and create package that fit just right. And it can expand as your requirements grow.

Innovation Centers
Scale, Flexibility & Control
Whether you are a center for learning or a center for production, you can provide community-wide access to 3D printing with centralized and distributed control. Not just a collection of printers, but a connected platform with efficient capacity management and administrative simplicity. The recruiting advantages and educational opportunities for institutions of higher learning are exceptional. And large-scale solutions offer the flexibility of desktop manufacturing with unlimited scalability. Let us evaluate your specific requirements and build you a solution that propels your oranization to another level. We also provide installation, training, support, and ongoing expertise.

3D Printer Networks and Print Farms
Enterprise Solutions – Distributed Capacity & Production Quantities
Organizations are increasingly looking to build standardized 3D printing platforms across multiple locations or high-throughput print farms that can achieve production quantities. Whether you are interested in centralized control over a distributed network of 3D printers or you want to build a print farm, we can help you design the best approach. These solutions are for commercial enterprises looking to optimize their 3D printer networks, educational institutions that want to offer campus-wide access to 3D printers, and library systems that want efficient branch-wide solutions. Know where your printers are, what their status is, and how you can best allocate your demand.